Location, Location, Location- Where Your Home is Built is Important
Utah is home to a variety of soils that can affect your home's foundation.
When buying a home location is everything. Many of us want an area with good schools, low crime and modern day conveniences nearby. While where our home is built is very important, what our home is built upon is just as significant.
What determines the type of homes built in a certain area? The first consideration is the climate. If you live in the southwest desert, you need a home that will stay cool. In areas that experience yearly flooding, such as Southeast Asia, homes are built on stilts so the water runs beneath them.
The next consideration is the types of materials available. In desert regions where trees are scare, homes are made of mud and grasses. People living in the mountains often build homes made from rocks and timber.
In Utah we have a variety of geological and climatic conditions that need to be taken into consideration. Besides building a home with proper cooling and heating elements for our often- wild weather, the soil your house is built upon should be considered. According to Janis L. Boettinger of Utah State University, soils of the mountains and benches are slightly acidic to neutral with thick, dark-colored surface horizons, while soils of the deserts are alkaline and lightly colored. Extensive areas of outcropping rock, drifting sand dunes, and playa lakebeds also characterize the state of Utah.
This means we have a variety of soil conditions that may affect your foundation. There are areas of the state where sandy soil is present and when dry, may allow for a home’s foundation to sink. We also have areas of blue clay that can cause a variety of foundation issues as well. When foundations sink and cause damage to the home such as cracks in the interior walls, doors and windows that are difficult to open or stair step cracking in the exterior brick, you need to call an expert to fix it.
We offer Free Estimates to home owners and have over 35 years of foundation experience. Many of our products also include warranties. We are your local repair expert.
Janis L. Boettinger, USU, http://extension.usu.edu/utahrangelands/files/uploads/RRU_Section_Six.pdf
Declan, Tobin. "Fun Types of Homes Facts for Kids." Easy Science for Kids, Mar 2017. Web. 07 Mar 2017. < http://easyscienceforkids.com/types-of-homes/ >.